January 16 - February 10, 2023

A month-long online writing experience for midlife women unlike any other.

Learn from 20 instructors and speakers over 30 days.

There's no doubt...

Writing conferences can be magical.

There’s something special that happens when writers get together to learn, connect, and grow at writing conferences, either in-person or virtually.

However, a typical conference also:

Our Writing summit is different.

Connect with women in the same stage of life about topics and challenges that matter to you.

Choose the live events that work with your schedule or watch the recordings any time. 

Work through exercises, prompts, and readings that appeal to you. Skip the ones that don’t.

Choose to attend live events throughout the week and meet with speakers, hosts, and other writers. Share your writing and participate in groups and forums.



The HerStories Community Writing Summit

A 30-day writing experience for midlife women who write.

January 16 – February 10, 2023

A New Workshop Each Day

A mix of live, recorded, and forum-based workshops

Dig deeply into the topics that interest you. Skip the ones that don’t. Topics will include: 

  • Balancing writing with life
  • Publishing options
  • Memoir
  • Personal essays
  • Writing about loss and healing
  • Developing strong characters
  • Crafting scenes
  • Clarifying your writing goals
  • How to teach writing online

A Focus on Community

Build lasting relationships with other midlife writers

Writing should not be lonely. As a midlife woman, you are far from alone. Get to know writers and speakers inside our community platform.

  • Post and get feedback on your writing.
  • Participate in live events, live chats, and co-writing.
  • Find other writers based on genre, location, and goals.

Meet Our Speakers

Jackie Cangro

Jumpstart Your Writing: Explorations in Creativity

Jacquelin Cangro is a seasoned developmental editor, workshop leader, and book coach. She provides guidance, inspiration, feedback, and accountability for dedicated fiction and narrative nonfiction writers. Jackie has helped hundreds of gifted authors work toward their goals.

Anne Pinkerton

Writing Through Loss

Anne Pinkerton's holds an MFA from Bay Path University and studied poetry as an undergrad at Hampshire College. Her memoir, Were You Close? a sister's quest to know the brother she lost, will be released by Vine Leaves Press in April 2023.

Ann Imig

Group Coaching for Creatives: Break Free From "I'm Not Enough, I'm Too Much, and I'll be Happy When (fill in the blank)"

A widely published writer and seasoned performer, in 2010 Ann founded LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER, a massive grass-roots live storytelling series in 60+ cities (and an acclaimed anthology, Putnam Books, 2015). In 2021, she created Listen Life Coaching, using her MSW and positive psychology coaching certification to help move people forward personally and professionally, with clarity and purpose.

Autumn Purdy

Three Lines, Three Ways: How to Haiku

Autumn Purdy is a contributing writer for Sharing Magazine and a former Reviews Editor for Literary Mama. She has published pieces on The HerStories Project Blog, the HerKind Collective Blog, Haiku Journal, Literary Mama, and two photos in The Sunlight Press. She is an essayist in The Pandemic Midlife Crisis: Gen X Women on the Brink and an editorial assistant for the anthology. She writes from her home in Westerville, OH.

Laurel Hilton

How to Start and Sustain a Writing Pratice

After a career in PR/Communications, and the nonprofit sector, Laurel was inspired to turn the lens of her writing on herself through personal essay, short fiction and narrative nonfiction. She's been featured in four book anthologies; onstage; multi-media platforms, and public radio for her writing. She heads a Creative Writing Coaching business called The Marin Writers Studio. She has a deep passion for helping others explore their interest in the craft of writing.


Pitching demystified: How to write pitches that lead to assignments in top tier outlets

Pam Moore is an occupational therapist-turned-award-winning freelance journalist, intuitive eating coach, and host of the Real Fit podcast. Her health and fitness writing has been published in The Washington Post, The Guardian, Time, Runner's World, Outside, SELF, WebMD, Forbes, and many others.

Maurene J. (Janiece) Hinds

Scene Selection in Memoir

Maurene has supported writers, beginners through published authors, at various stages in developing their creative and academic work for the past 20+ years. She focuses on providing honest feedback with a gentle, guiding touch. In addition to an MFA in creative writing and post-graduate work in writing pedagogy, she has completed editorial training through Author Accelerator, Liminal Pages, Editorial Arts, and Club Ed. She is a certified fiction book coach through Author Accelerator's Book Coach Certification Program.

Natalie Serianni

An Introduction to the Personal Essay

Natalie is a Seattle-based writer, instructor, and mother of two. Her work has appeared at HuffPost, Insider, Motherwell, ParentMap, Mutha Magazine and The Keepthings, and her essay, "Subtle Shifts," is included the anthology "The Pandemic Midlife Crisis: GenX Women on the Brink." She has taught college writing for over twenty years.

Elline Lipkin

Back to Poetry at Midlife

Elline Lipkin's first book, The Errant Thread, was chosen by Eavan Boland for the Kore Press First Book Award. Her second, Girls’ Studies, was published by Seal Press. Her poetry has been published widely and she has been in residence at Yaddo, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Dorland Mountain Arts Colony and Yefe Nof. She teaches poetry workshops and is currently a Research Scholar with UCLA’s Center for the Study of Women.

Holly Rizzuto Palker

Writing Parenting

Holly is a writer, a profiles editor at Literary Mama, a drama teacher, and a mom to three kids and Chilli the dog. Her essays appear in Parents, The New York Daily News, The Independent, Newsday, Kveller, Huffington Post, and more. Holly won Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition awards for her NextAvenue profile, “Women Share Tales at Stories Around the Table,” some of her Parents' articles, and her short story “Three.” She is a board member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors. She's working on a book.

Danita Berg

Generating Ideas: How to Capture Your Story and Get It on the Page

Danita Berg is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Humanities and the Online Department Chair of Liberal Studies at the Florida Institute of Technology, where she also advises the literary magazine. She has published creative works in journals such as Redivider, Southern Women’s Review, Quay: A Journal of the Arts, Black Market Review, and The Houston Literary Review, among others. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing at Goddard College and Ph.D. in English at the University of South Florida.

Kamsin Kaneko

Understanding the Paths to Publishing

Kamsin Kaneko is a Writer and Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach. She specializes in helping women with huge hearts and fierce minds overcome their perfectionism and procrastination to finally make write their books. Kamsin writes personal essays, poetry and is working on her first nonfiction book.

Stacey Loscalzo

What We Learn about Midlife From Our Favorite Fictional Characters

Stacey is a reader and writer whose life revolves, as much as possible, around stories. She shares stories. She reads and writes stories. She watches and listens to stories. And most importantly, she discusses stories as part of a community. Her corner of the internet (www.staceyloscalzoreads.com) is a place where story lovers of all kinds can gather.

Emma Jarrett

Connect and Heal Through Writing

Emma is a journaler, a personal essay writer, a poet, a playwright. She wrote and performed a one-woman play Breastless, as a way to process and share her experience with breast cancer and is currently writing her memoir, Let Me Get This Off My Chest. She leads others in writing to connect and heal - in themselves and for the sake of us all.

Andra Watkins

Memoir Writing Tips (How to Speak Your Story)

NYT bestselling author of the memoir Not Without My Father. Andra's workshop gives memoir-writing tips and tricks. Plus insights on how to speak your story to a live audience.

Sarah Lamb

Dive Within and Cleanse Your Psyche with Yin Yoga and Journaling

Sarah writes to feed her spirit and inspire the spirits of others. As a single mom, yoga teacher, therapist and nature lover, she hopes her own personal healing journey will aide in the healing of others. We all feed off of each others' stories.


Writing for Healing and Growth

Joan Delcoco is a brain injury survivor who writes to retrain her brain and make sense of the world. She is a certified Journal to the Self Instructor who believes strongly in the transformative power of writing to promote insight, healing, and growth.

Nina Badzin

Creating Opportunities Around a Niche

Nina Badzin is freelance writer with articles in a wide variety of publications. She's the host of the podcast Dear Nina: Conversations About Friendship and a growing Substack newsletter by the same name. She has been leading creative groups in Minneapolis since 2015.

Dana Schwartz

Saved by a Metaphor

Dana Schwartz is a life long reader, writer, and word lover. She studied English literature in college, and later went on to earn her Master's in Creative Writing. Her work, both fiction and memoir, have been published on and off line in magazines, literary journals, and anthologies.

Jessica Smock

Teaching Writing (Or Anything Else) Online

Jessica Smock is the co-founder and co-editor of the HerStories Project. She is a writer, a former teacher and researcher, and a curriculum coordinator. She has taught writing to students from second grade to graduate school.

Robin Finn

Hot Writing: Writing Deep Into Midlife

Robin Finn, MPH, MA, is an award-winning writer, teacher, and coach, and the founder of Heart. Soul. Pen.® writing workshops for women, and Hot Writing™ ‘for women of a certain age.’ Her essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Buzzfeed, and her novel, ‘Restless in L.A.’ was named a "Best New Novel" by Babble.com.

Bonus Workshop: How To Teach Writing (or Anything Else) Online

  • Learn how to plan, structure, and market an online course, workshop, or group.
  • Taught by the editors of the HerStories Project, who have been leading online courses, groups, and workshops for nearly a decade.

Meet the HerStories Project

Jessica Smock and Stephanie Sprenger are the co-founders and co-editors of the HerStories Project, a publishing and writing community for midlife women. We met online as “blogging friends” and then founded the HerStories Project in 2013. We’ve published five essay collections, led dozens of writing groups, and have taught writing to hundreds of female writers over the past several years. It’s been our joy to work with midlife writers just like you. Our lives of juggling family and jobs and writing are much like yours. We know what it’s like, as midlife women, to want to carve out space in our lives for just ourselves.


Years of HerStories

Teaching and publishing since 2013.


of Writers

Who have participated in our groups and workshops.



Essay collections about friendship, motherhoood, and more.

Early Bird Pricing — Only $74 Until 12/22 (Half off)

Write with us.

Gentle writing instruction and support from 20 writers, instructors, coaches, and editors.

20 presentations over 30 days (January 16-February 10)

private summit community

writing feedback

discounts on future summits

After you sign up,

What Happens Next

Get Invited

You'll get invited to our private HerStories community platform and get an email with next steps.

Create an account

After you create an account, you can find more information on all the presentations and speakers and RSVP to the meetings you wish to attend.

Get Daily Emails

Each day of the summit you'll get an email with what's happening that day and the summary of the previous day.


“The HerStories workshop got me to write after a long period of procrastination, but more importantly, it impelled me to re-engage the whole practice of writing. I was inspired to sit down and think about my writing, what I want to write, what I need to write, and how I should go about it. It gave me the gentle push I was looking for. Stephanie and Jessica honour every woman’s personal pathway to discovering what works for her. ”

- former workshop participant


The live meetings will be at different times each day from January 16 – February 10th, 2023. Recordings will be available after the meeting. Do not worry if you cannot attend the meetings live. Discussions and other participation will continue after the meeting.

Perfectly okay! Participate in only what appeals to you.

The presentations will include live workshops, writing prompts, and other writing exercises. You can share your writing and receive feedback inside the workshop platform.

You can request a refund up to the end of the first week of the summit. Just email us at [email protected].

We’ll include information about becoming a speaker or presenter during the summit. We’ll describe next steps. If you can’t make the summit, we’ll also provide more information to our email subscribers during the first part of 2023. You can sign up for instructor updates here.

You’ll be able to access the summit community and workshops for at least 3 months. You’ll also get discounts on future summits.

Not ready to sign up this month?

Sign up for our mailing list to learn about future workshops, summits, and calls for submissions.

© HerStories Project, LLC

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